'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 190건

  1. 2009.03.09 군대(계급) 관련 영어 모음 ^^ 1
좋은 글2009. 3. 9. 08:52

군대 관련 영어 모음입니다.

군대 계급을 영어로 한것 외 기타 등등 정리되어 있습니다.~ ^^

육군<?xml:namespace prefix = o /><?xml:namespace prefix = o />



the army (육군), enter[enlist, join in] the army (육군에 입대하다),

leave the army (제대하다), be drafted[conscripted] into the army (징집되다)

a private 1st class (일병, 상병, 병장), a staff sergeant (하사), a sergeant first class (중사),

a master sergeant (상사), second lieutenant (소위), first lieutenant (중위), captain (대위),

major (육군 소령), a lieutenant colonel (중령), a colonel (대령), a brigadier general (준장),

a major general (소장), a lieutenant general (중장), a general (대장)

a military band (군악대), the Military Staff College (육군대학), a military [army] hospital (육군병원),

the U.S. Military Academy (육군사관학교),

anmilitary[army] officer (육군 장교), the Army Chief of Staff (육군 참모 총장)



the navy (= the naval service, the naval forces) (해군), naval (해군의), naval junior office (해군사관),

The Naval Staff Office (해군참모부), naval flag (해군기), the Marine band (해군 군악대),

a naval base (해군기), Navy day (해군기념일), the Naval Staff College (해군대학),

naval forces(해군부대), the Navy Headquarters (해군본부)

이병, a seaman(해군상병, 일병, 병장), a petty officer second class (해군하사),

a chief petty officer (), a master sergeant (상사), naval officer (해군장교),

second lieutenant (소위), first lieutenant (중위), lieutenant (대위), major (소령),

a commander (중령), a captain (), a commodore (준장), a rear admiral (소장),

vice admiral (중장), admiral (대장)


a lance corporal (해병상병), a staff sergeant (해병하사), a lieutenant colonel (중령),



an air force (= the air service, a flying corps) (공군), an air base (공군기지),

the Air Force Command & General Staff College (공군대학), the Air Force Headquarters (군본부),

an air-force academy (공군사관학교), the Air Force Chief of Staff (공군참모총장)

an airman 2nd class (일병), an airman 1st class (상병, 병장), a staff sergeant (하사),

a master sergeant (중사), a senior master sergeant (상사), second lieutenant (소위),

 first lieutenant (중위), captain (대위), major (), a lieutenant colonel (중령), a colonel (대령),

 a brigadier general (준장), a major general (), a lieutenant general (중장), a general (대장)


ball (= bullet, shell[산탄], shot, slug[]) (총알), cannon (= gun, artillery[합적]) (대포),

a (land) mine (= a ground torpedo) (지뢰), anti-personal mine (대인지뢰),

an antitank mine (대전차지뢰), a pistol (= a revolver(연발총), a handgun, a gun, a rod) (권총),

an automatic[a six-chambered] revolver (자동연발 권총), a machine gun (= a maxim gun) (기관총),

 a (long-barreled) rifle (장총), tank (탱크), an amphibian tank (수륙양용 전차),

an armored motor-car (장갑차), a fighter(= a combat plane) (전투기), a fighter-bomber (전투 폭격기),

 a reconnaissance[spy] plane (정찰기), a battleship (= a warship) (전투함),

an aircraft carrier (= <속어>a flattop, a seaplane tender) (항공모함), a rubber boat[raft] (고무보트),

 a (hand) grenade (= <속어> a pineapple) (수류탄),

a flare (bomb) (= a light bomb, a star shell) (조명탄), a parachute (= a chute) (낙하산),

an armored cruiser (장갑순양함), jet fighter (제트 전투기), jet bomber (제트 격기),

 arsenal (병기고, 병기 공장), neutron bomb (중성자 폭탄)


missile (미사일), an air-to-air missile( AAM) (공대공미사일),

an air-to-surface missile( ASM) (공대지미사일),

an air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) (공중 발사 탄도 미사일),

a multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle( MIRV) (다핵탄두 미사일),

an intercontinental missile (대륙간 미사), an antitank missile (대전차 미사일),

a heat-seeking missile (열추적 사일), a guided missile( GM) (유도 미사일),

a strategic missile( SM) (전략 미사일), an intermediate range missile (중거리 미사일),

a surface[ground](-to-)air missile(SAM) (지대공 미사일),

 an antiballistic missile(ABM) (탄도탄 요격용 미사일), a nuclear missile (핵미사일),

 an army missile unit (육군 미사일 본부), along-[short-]range missile ([]거리 미사일),

 fire[launch] a missile (미사일을 발사하다), a missile race (미사일경쟁),

a missile base[station] (미사일 기지), a missile launching site (미사 발사 기지),

a missile launching ramp[pad] (미사일 발사대), a missile installation (미사일 시설),

the test-firing of a missile (미사일 실험)











a staff (officer) (참모), the General staff Office (참모본), an army surgeon[doctor] (육군 군의관),

 a naval surgeon (해군 군의관), a flight surgeon ( 군의관),

a hospital[medical] orderly (= a medical[hospital] corpsman, a[an army] medic) (위생병),

infantry (= foot soldiers) (보병), a soldier on the cook's duty (취사병), special forces (특수부대),

 tank forces (= a fleet of tanks) (전차부대), tankman (전차병), artillery (포병부대),

an intelligence man (= a secret agent) (첩보원), cavalry (기병, 기갑부대),

officer ([육해공군의] 장교), a badge of rank ([군인의] 계급장), draft dodger (징병기피자),

concentration camp (포로 수용소), boot camp (신병훈련소), fleet (함대)

harbor (탱크 집합장, 항구, 피난처), crater (구멍, 탄공, 분화구), breakthrough (돌파(),

maneuver (작전적 행동, 기동연습), maneuverability (기동성), maneuverable (조종할 있는),

military take-over (군사장악), squad (분대), platoon (소대), company (중대), battalion (대대),

 regiment (연대), division (사단), corps (), lay[charge] a mine (지뢰를 묻다),

strike a mine (지뢰를 건드리다), remove[retrieve] <unexploded> mines (지뢰를 제거[회수]하다),

a mine field (지뢰밭), a mine detector (지뢰 탐지), combat ration (전투 휴대식량),

 combatant (전투원), a battle zone(전투지구), a combat uniform (전투복),

a field[fatigue] cap (전투모), a combat unit (= fighting forces[troops]) (전투부대)

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